The legendary Fugu – A Puffer Fish:
Fugu gets its name from puffer fish as the Japanese call them that and have been eating puffer fish for centuries. Fugu bones have also been found in various shell mounds from Jomon period that are more than 2200 years old. This species of fish was banned for consumption from time to time and where the law makers could’nt control the usage, interesting ways to eat this fish without consuming it’s deadly toxins, evolved.
As they say that “Invention is the mother of all necessity, wonder what made the Japs go to such an extent of discovering ways to avoid eating a part of Fugu flesh with poison which is considered 1200 times more powerful then potassium freaking cyanide making the possibility of this finest fish meal the last. The taste probably, they say it matches nothing else and i do not doubt that. I mean if it could be my last meal, heck it should taste crazy.
The Toxins:
Fugu holds a reserve of lethal amounts of a poison know to mankind as ‘Tetrododxin’ in their livers, skin and ovaries. Once consumed this nasty toxin runs through the body paralyzing the muscles, just the muscles while the fine diner stays fully conscious and probably swearing himself to death. As there is no antidote, the victim ultimately goes through shortage of air in the lungs and the eventually dies of ‘asphyxiation’. They’ve also figured in captive breeding that while breeding if Fugu can stay away from eating certain other animals that contain the deadly poison Tetrododxin laiden bacteria, they can have a 100% guarantee of waking up next morning. The blow fish without any poison, sweet.
And they Still want more of the puffer fish:
Getting this fish is not easy and making this fish, not easy at all. Most fugu are caught in the pacific ocean and in order for a chef to dream about making this exquisite meal he or she has to first acquire a license to do so. That license gives them the right to prepare and sell the puffer fish in public. Getting this license in no sunshine as it includes a journey through a series of tests both written and identifying correct things to be taken off and learn it to an extent where they just can’t make a mistake. Some chefs choose to end their lives, if by their hand someone else does, but what’s delighting to know is that on an avenger only 35% pass the apprenticeship. Sadly, last 10 years stand witness to 26 deaths in Japan alone. It’s so dangerous that even the Emperor of Japan is banned from eating blow fish. I wonder if he has a big bag in the secret section of his royal refrigerator saying Emperors stash, do not nick!
Blowfish does not come cheap:
A fresh catch of this puffer fish can fetch up to USD 100-300 and a full meal for four in a fine dine can go up to USD 1000 easy. With the demand increasing the recipes are getting modified and improvised creating an opportunity for the culinarians to produce the most exhilarating experience out of eating a possible last meal. Fugu fish prices make them one of the most expensive fishes around, and in constant demand. Legend has it that it contains an arsenal of subtle power ranging from aphrodisia to euphoria. Poisonous yet Tasty!Strange for me to digest, may be ill give it a chance to kill me someday. May the better species win! and i’d pray that i don’t die.
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